Caught In The Middle (2011)

White Horse Road
30 Jun - 30 Jun 2011
Age range: 8-12
Caught In The Middle - Production photo (4)
  • Author Jean 'Binta' Breeze

Caught in the Middle was developed as part of the Exchange for Change programme and was presented on the Festival Day, 30 June 2011.

A Note from the Writer:

One of the aims of Exchange for Change was to encourage established writers to turn their talent to writing plays for young audiences. The writer’s journey is more solitary than that of the ensembles of artists, but the script was still developed with young people. The director and actors had just two days to rehearse the reading. My introduction to theatre was through the world of improvisation, so it was a great challenge that Half Moon had set me, to sit down and write a script. At least, I thought that was what was waiting for me and of course I panicked. Could I meet a deadline? And could I write a story for children aged 8 to 12? However, the process was kinder than I could possibly have hoped. As usual, I dug into my own experiences for ideas. I knew one girl in that age group who had been adopted by friends of mine and I thought that would be my theme. Then came a session with the children and everything was turned on its head. The voices of the children took over and so came the first monologue. After a second visit to try out the monologue on the same children who had inspired it and after hearing and seeing it come to life with the actors, my head was buzzing with new things to say as the monologue grew.

This is a generous system of work and after the last encounter I was given the time to listen to the voice in my head and put it on the page, without losing any of the poetry and vitality.

Production photos

Cast List

Creative Team




Anna-Maria Nabirye is an actor and workshop facilitator who has worked with Half Moon Theatre on White Horse Road since the mid-2000s. She talks about the development of the piece Caught In The Middle, which Jean Binta Breeze wrote as part of Half Moon Theatre’s Exchange For Change artform development project in 2011. Interviewed by Rio Puffett.

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Caught In The Middle - Production photo (4)

Caught In The Middle (2011)

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