His Master’s Voice (1983)

Mile End Road
10 Oct - 19 Nov 1983
  • by David Anderson

A musical play by David Anderson.

Our hero sang in a band. It was the best thing he’d ever done. Then he got ‘spotted’. It was his big chance to be Rich and Famous. It was also when his troubles really began.

Punk arrived in ’76 to the horror of the press, the media, the record companies and (of course) the parents; and to the joy of the kids. For them punk summed up all the disgust and frustration they felt, growing up in a country that had stopped caring. At last they found they could hit back.

By the System wasn’t going to lie down and die. The record companies adapted – they absorbed and commercialised the threat. Everyone made a profit. Except the kids.

Jam-packed with songs ranging from the fifties to funk, from scat to punk David Anderson’s savagely funny show ripped the lid off the music business and reveled the hard truths that underlined the hype.

Production photos

Cast List

  • Michelle Collins Julie
  • Andy Hampton Wayne/ Monk
  • Richard Harradine Steve X Hippy/ The Thief
  • Dorian Healy Kevin Burk/ Clown/ DJ
  • Clare Hemphill Tracy/ Suzy La Fox/ Baby

Creative Team

  • Stuart Mungall Director
  • Ruth Burgess Assistant Director
  • David Anderson Musical Director
  • Alan Skidmore Designer
  • Julia Fletcher Costumes

Programme and Marketing
