Rosemary is a spoken word artist who has collaborated with Half Moon to produce four shows, including a trilogy about child migration.
Rosemary Harris is a spoken word artist who has collaborated with Half Moon to produce four shows, including a trilogy about child migration (A Roo in My Suitcase, One Way Ticket and Map Of Me). Here she talks about the value of the opportunity to tour work through Half Moon Presents, the producing arm of the company.
Rosemary Harris talks about how the Half Moon Theatre audience in Tower Hamlets have responded to Map Of Me, the third in her trilogy of work about child migration, produced in collaboration with the Half Moon as part of Half Moon Presents.
Rosemary Harris has developed four plays with Half Moon in the period between 2010 and 2016. Here she talks about how useful the Careers in Theatre project has been in helping her to develop new work.
Rosemary Harris describes the type of work she has been able to develop with Half Moon and why she sees it as a unique collaboration. Interviewed by Beccy Allen.