The Incredible Vanishing (1980)

Alie Street
24 Nov 1980 - 3 Jan 1981
Age range: 6-11
Incredible Vanishing, The - Poster Image Incredible Vanishing, The - Poster Image
  • by Denise Coffey

A squelching play by Denise Coffey, where Her Marshesty rules the underground and steals the overground; where Bert and W.P.C Parker go in search of runaway oranges and find boiled cabbage with Goblins; where apples make you bananas and everyone sludges through the tallest tale in the underworld. A slurpy story for Christmas for the marshy or the mushy – lots of slush for all!

The production toured to schools in Hackney, Southwark and other neighbouring boroughs from 24 November to 19 December. It then performed at the Half Moon Theatre on Alie Street from 22 December to 3 January (matinee performances with evening shows on 27 December and 3 January).

Production photos

Cast List

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Memories of Half Moon Theatre