Of Mice and Men (1981)

Mile End Road
2 Mar - 27 Mar 1981
Of Mice and Men Flyer (Front) Of Mice and Men Flyer (Front)

The Half Moon Young People’s Theatre presented a dramatic study of John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men for CSE students. The aim was to stimulate a feel for the text, by using theatre and drama workshop techniques. It examined the issues that are raised in the novel and looked at the relationships and interdependence of the different characters, and the technique the Steinbeck employed to make his points. The final performance on 27 March took place at the Brady Centre in Tower Hamlets to which several schools brought groups of students.


Peter Bensted talks about an adaptation of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and how Pellicci’s cafe got involved in creating a voiceover for a dog in the play. Interviewed by Beccy Allen.

Cast List

Marketing and Show Information

Memories from Penny O'Connor


Feedback from schools